The #BulletTrain! 'Goli Gadi'! What a Train! Yes, it will be kept spic and s-'paan' - for ever and ever. It'll be the pride of Hindu Rashtra What fun - spitting the paan from a bullet train! See it shoot off like a rocket, almost like a brahmastra of yore! Travel like a bullet, spit like a rocket! Imagine that! What a train! Keep chewing paan and enjoy the trip! Accompanying cow will get fodder free. The cow can keep chewing the cud, while you chew the paan. Even the US with Potels galore doesn't have a bullet train, Sirji. And, don't forget, here in holy gau rashtra (cow-nation) accompanying cow gets a free ride! 🤣
Random Thoughts - C.P.Geevan