One stealth operation along the India-Pakistan LOC. Within hours, it is officially advertised by India somewhat hilariously as ‘historic’, as a ‘paradigm shift’, and what not. Incidentally, for the record, Pakistan insists no such 'surgical' strike took place while acknowledging clashes between the two sides along the LOC. Along with the official bragging from the Indian side, there is a well-orchestrated national chorus in India of triumphal chest thumping, blood curdling ‘victory’ celebrations, and an endless gloating of the India’s ‘invincible’ military prowess. It is as if some big sports event is on. There is no end to the praise for the ‘surgical strike’ – with and without knowing what it really means militarily. The maddening jingoism makes even rabid dogs look very docile. However, all this ‘pride’ seem totally devoid of any iota of substance. What are the ultra-national jingoists gloating about? One stealthy ‘strike’ about 1 to 3 km away from LOC within POK (well, officially Indian territory!) to ‘take out’ what are labelled as ‘terrorist launching pads’? That is what the calibrated doses of official press releases with tidy maps to boot repeatedly insist. Apparently, nobody from Indian side suffered even a bruise in this entire operation. That, somehow, does not seem a very credible description of a ‘daring’ operation to anyone whose brain is not excessively afflicted with virulent nationalism. As per official admission, one soldier is missing; there are no casualties. It was ‘surgical’, a tad too sterile. Quite unconvincing, though. Such stealthy operations by Indian and Pakistani special forces are nothing new, except that both sides never gloated about such operations (- yes, in plural). They simply weren’t worth gloating about. What is more serious? The repeated deadly attacks by non-state actors on well-fortified military installations (not soft targets) like that of Pathankot airbase and the brigade headquarters in Uri or what is claimed as ‘surgical strike’ by special forces that did not face any retaliatory firing? Of course, it is surprising why not a single shot was fired from so-called terrorist launching pads if they were indeed that. There is quite a credibility gap in these official accounts. Even if this was indeed a daring operation as the Indian government wants everyone to believe, there is no justification for gloating about it and to start warmongering. The nationalism has become so rabid that before the dust and smoke settle on a small skirmish, they begin to talk of limited nuclear war. Let us not forget that small incidents like this are not uncommon in conflict-prone situations and nothing must be done to escalate tensions creating a war-like situation. What makes the chest-thumping so hollow is the total lack of credibility about the exaggerated claims. It might as well be another highly dressed up ‘jhumla’ (boasting) and nothing more. Hope it is just that. It is, of course, well designed to divert attention from the massive lapses in securing key military installations and to whip up ultra-nationalist hysteria for gaining some cheap political popularity after failing to address the real issues – both domestically and internationally. Perhaps, it is also a terrible smoke screen to intensify the repression in Kashmir.
1) As per official statements of Pakistan (reported in media), a 22-year-old Indian soldier (name Chandu Babulal Chohan) has been captured and at least eight Indian soldiers killed in the incident.
2) US not convinced by india’s uri terror attack evidence against Pakistan
3) UN military group has not directly observed firing along LoC
1) As per official statements of Pakistan (reported in media), a 22-year-old Indian soldier (name Chandu Babulal Chohan) has been captured and at least eight Indian soldiers killed in the incident.
2) US not convinced by india’s uri terror attack evidence against Pakistan
3) UN military group has not directly observed firing along LoC