One year of #demonetisation (let us use that word for the currency replacement exercise since that is how it is known generally, and the technical nomenclature isn’t too important). Yes, one year and a lot of noise! Noise, indeed! Somewhat disappointing. Did it work? If so, how much? Did it destroy as much of ‘black’ money as was claimed? Why didn't the shift to digital economy go very well? Why or how the ‘gamble’ – yes, a gamble – backfired, etc., etc. I thought or rather expected that we would be clearer about the real nature and the nefarious goals of an extensive use of financial instruments to terrorise and subdue people in a manner nobody had assumed possible under the constitutional framework we have. It is one thing to contradict the fake claims and quite another to be ensnared in the many false premises, shifting priorities and fake narratives. Most of the criticism, even from the most vehement ones for that matter, ended up playing along with the fake narratives. Fo...
Random Thoughts - C.P.Geevan