It may be very tempting to say that Apple lost. That, fortunately, is untrue. It is, as it were, an inaccurate perception or a misreading. Just as every device or software has flaws, an iPhone too can have vulnerabilities. That is surely not an earth shaking news, though it will make iPhone users very uneasy. Some say junk iPhone 5c. Well, some may do that. May be that presents a buying opportunity for those who do not wish to have secure phones to acquire an iPhone 5c dirt-cheap. The core argument put forth by the Cupertino folks is this: "Apple believes deeply that people in the United States and around the world deserve data protection, security, and privacy. Sacrificing one for the other only puts people and countries at greater risk." In this unlikely face-off between Apple Inc. and FBI, the following may be noted: Apple showed tremendous courage and refused to buckle down, sticking to the decision to use all possible legal options By and large, the publ...
Random Thoughts - C.P.Geevan